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  • angiesarah

10 Tips from a Sunflower

1.) Always be sunny, bright, and positive!

2.) Spread seeds of happiness where ever you go.

3.) Rise and SHINE!

4.) Focus on the sunny side.

5.) Hold your head high.

6.) Always keep growing.

7.) It's okay to start small, so did I, look at me now. -- Big dreams start small, but with sunlight, water, good soil and love, they grow big.

8.) Bloom where your planted: Thrive no matter what situation you're in.

9.) Sunflowers almost never grow alone: Surround yourself with a community of friends and family.

10.) Live a balanced life: Did you know that sunflowers grow on one side of their stalk and then the other? If a sunflower grows to much on one side during the day, it fixes it during the night. The sunflower is always sure to be balanced.

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